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Are you a doctorate level nurse interested in mentoring the next generation of nursing and promoting the attainment of the terminal degree?

Become a Dr. Nurses Mentor!

Mentor Responsibilities:

Provide support to doctorate students and prospective doctorate students. Answer general questions via email about the DNP/ PHD (based on your experience), assist with goal statements for admission to doctoral nursing programs, provide feedback on DNP projects/PHD dissertations and offer preceptorship opportunities whenever possible.

Submit the following…
Professional profile pic


Brief background

General overview of your DNP project/ PHD dissertation

How Does Your Doctorate Degree Influence your Day to Day practice

Supply media handles.

Please email info@drnurses.com for more information. Completed profiles should also be submitted to info@drnurses.com.

Brand Ambassador

Not a doctoral level nurse but would still like to get involved? No problem!

We are looking for motivated individuals who believe in the mission of the doctor nurse and would like to promote on social media, and various nursing events.

Email Info@drnurses.com for more information on becoming a Dr.Nurse Student Brand Ambassador
